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Re: MSFS Klemm L25

Posted: Mon 20. Dec 2021, 15:02
by Mathias Pommerien
The Klemm L 25, to be precise, the Klemm KL 25 D VII R, will be our first aircraft for the new MSFS.
This plane was build in appr. 600 samples between 1928 and 1939 in about 30 variants (not counting custom orders), was used worldwide by many famous aviators, scored an endless list of records and was basically the standard sportsplane for about a decade.
This plane is really badly overlooked in FS so it's probably about time to make it.
It fits the current MSFS-Meta greatly: Low and slow, excellent allaround visibilty and supposed to be a joy to fly.

Check back regularly for some progress updates and developement screenshots.

Here are some WIP shots sporting the default factory colors.
All wooden parts receive a clear coat of lacquer while all metal and fabric parts are painted in what they called "Silberbronze", a silverish paint with some aluminium particles in it, kind of an early metallic paint.




Full res URL's: ... 25_088.jpg ... 25_092.jpg ... 25_093.jpg

Re: MSFS Klemm L25

Posted: Sun 26. Dec 2021, 14:46
by Mathias Pommerien

Re: MSFS Klemm L25

Posted: Mon 27. Dec 2021, 09:24
by Fischl
...also das ist schon toll was Du hier zeigst . Ich kann's nicht mehr abwarten !
Die besten Wünsche zum Jahreswechsel , Fischl

Re: MSFS Klemm L25

Posted: Tue 28. Dec 2021, 13:18
by flusimmer
Moin Mathias,
die Klemm sieht gut aus.
Erststart in EDHE noch in Glühweinzeiten ? :lol:
Freu mich drauf,
... und dann die Bf108 und Ta152 :roll:

Re: MSFS Klemm L25

Posted: Tue 28. Dec 2021, 14:45
by Mathias Pommerien
Danke, Jungs!
@Jürgen: Na, ich fürchte nicht.
Im laufenden Jahr haben wir es nicht geschafft, die Motorsounds aufzunehmen. Irgendwas war immer.
Entweder war das Wetter sch.... so daß wir die D-EJOL nicht rausschieben konnten, oder ich konnte den 700-km-Ritt in den Süden nach Eutingen nicht machen, oder oder oder. Ich hoffe, im Frühling wird das was mit dem Recording. Und dann ist da auch noch das Cockpit.
Wahrscheinlich im Sommer...

Some more shots with the correct registration number font:



Image ... 25_102.jpg ... 25_103.jpg ... 25_104.jpg

Re: MSFS Klemm L25

Posted: Thu 30. Dec 2021, 18:56
by Mathias Pommerien

Re: MSFS Klemm L25

Posted: Sat 12. Feb 2022, 19:21
by Mathias Pommerien

Re: MSFS Klemm L25

Posted: Thu 7. Jul 2022, 18:24
by Mathias Pommerien

Re: MSFS Klemm L25

Posted: Thu 28. Jul 2022, 18:47
by Mathias Pommerien
So, now the fun part begins!
Starting with the cockpit.
Note the wood structures are temporary.



Hi Res: ... 25_123.jpg ... 25_124.jpg

Re: MSFS Klemm L25

Posted: Mon 19. Sep 2022, 12:53
by Mathias Pommerien
The Carpenters are almost finished in both the pilot's and copilot's compartment, now waiting for the plumbers to do their work. :-)




Hi Res: ... 25_125.PNG ... 25_126.PNG ... 25_127.png