
General discussion about Classics Hangar products
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Joined: Sun 7. Feb 2010, 19:02


Post by yancovitch »

i'm probably out to lunch, but i could have sworn that classics hanger was going to come out with a ju-87 stuka d-ish.....???.......oops...i just saw the post in works in progress.......gosh i shure hope it comes out's been sooooo long...thanks
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Re: stuka

Post by yancovitch »

ya....milviz is doing the stuka, but due to the popularity of modern planes, they put it on the back burner...again and again it keeps getting of the most famous planes in the world next to the spit....i can't believe it......i sure wish you had done it....or take it off their hands and finish it....doesn't seem too much more to do is my guess.......anyways, maybe i'll be still alive when it comes out ....maybe not........................if it comes out...................vic
Mathias Pommerien
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Re: stuka

Post by Mathias Pommerien »

Hey Vic, I'm sure you saw this thread: ... f=14&t=662
It's pretty much all I can tell on the matter.
I have no idea how long it will take them.
Mathias Pommerien (Classics Hangar)

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