Can't turn off parking brakes

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Can't turn off parking brakes

Post by JMDooley »

I'm having a problem with my Classics Hangar FW190. I have the Fw190 A Compilation version.
I dialog box keeps popping up about the parking brakes and to press <.> to release them. When I do this the brakes release but keep turning back on.
I really love this plane except for this problem.
Right now I'm only flying in the Just Fly Mode.
Thank you for your time.
Great Product!!!!! :D
Mathias Pommerien
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Re: Can't turn off parking brakes

Post by Mathias Pommerien »

That's actually "expected behaviour". We apply brakes when at rest on the ground to come around an M$ bug regarding roll friction.
The brakes auto-release as soon as your throttle up.
Mathias Pommerien (Classics Hangar)

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Joined: Tue 31. Jan 2012, 16:16
Location: Lancaster, CA

Re: Can't turn off parking brakes

Post by JMDooley »

Thank you for the quick reply.
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